Amancio Ortega Gaona the man inside the car is the third-richest man on earth. 车内的男子是阿曼西奥•奥尔特加•高纳,他是全球排名第三的富豪。
Inside the theater, a man went behind the president and shot him in the head. 在戏院里,一个人走在总统后面,朝他的头部射击。
Years later he made a secret home for himself inside the Paris Opera House What a man he was! 很多年后,她在巴黎歌剧院里给自己造了一个秘密的家他是个怎样的人啊!
Inside the cottage, there was another man, an earnest young photographer. 屋内还有另一个人,是一位年轻的摄影师。
His hatred was inside man. 他的憎恨并没有脱离人的范畴。
Melanie: There is a little child inside this man! 这男人里面有个小孩!
I need someone on the inside, someone close to the Green-Eyed Man. 我需要个内线,和绿眼人关系很近的人。
He is said to have provided the only example in history of a coffin ( handles and all) ending up inside a man. 据说,他提供了一个棺材在历史上唯一的例子(处理和所有)结束在里面的男子。
Gawain is our proverbial "inside man." 加文将是我们大家的“内线”
Once inside, the woman beamed and patted the man on the shoulder. 这个女人在里边,面带微笑的,用手拍了拍男人的肩膀。
I think inside you're a sad man. 可是我想你内心是悲伤的。
Ozzie, how the hell can I be inside a man? I studied up on rabbits. 奥齐,我怎么会在一个人的体内,我不是研究兔子的吗。
Look inside a man through Scarlett. 从斯嘉丽看男人本性。
According to ancient ideas, inside the body of every man are not just little sperm swimming around, but each of those little things is a homunculus, a little person, a little, teeny, tiny person. 根据古人的想法,在每个男人身体里,不只是游来游去的小精子,而是小矮人,小小的人,小小的人。
A drinking cup with a bar inside the rim to keep a man's mustache out of the drink. 在边缘有棒的为了不让男人的胡子进入饮料的饮水杯。
He waited inside the car while the PR man went out to meet Tom hagen's plane. 他的对外联系人下车去接汤姆-黑根,他坐在汽车里面等着;
He sees inside the house that there is not a man through the lockhole. 他透过锁孔看到屋里一个人都没有。
In the final scene, a mother and child appear inside, and a man standing outside, with his hands pressed against the glass, saying goodbye. 在最后一幕,一位母亲和儿童出现里面,一个人站在外面,他的双手紧紧贴在玻璃,说再见。
It's not hard to figure out who's the inside man. 不难猜出谁是内线。
A few days on the inside any God fearing white man realizes the correctional system's got a serious lean towards the African-American persuasion. 在这外面用不了几地,疑上帝的白人们都会心识到,‘犯人改革系统’严峻的倾向好籍黑人集团。
"For days we were ordered to keep our windows closed and stay inside," recounted another middle-aged man. 有好几天,我们都接到命令,关死窗户,不要出门。
Any event that occurs inside a man's head will belong to groups of both kinds; 一个人私家脑筋里产生的任一变乱可以归类到两种范例的任一类中。
And inside the spaceship, there was a Chinese man. 在太空船里,有一个中国人。
With its name cast and familiar trappings, Inside Man may come on like a conventional heist movie-even the title sounds as generic as a brown paper bag-but Lee's incapable of playing by the rules. 虽然从其明星阵容和熟悉的特征来看,《局内人》似乎又是一部传统的抢劫片(甚至连片名听上去都跟牛皮纸袋一样没有特点),但李就是不会循规蹈矩。
You just found your inside man, but it's got to be right now. 你们必须找到知情人,不过现在就得行动。
Is that quack getting inside your head, man? 那骗子已经完全骗到你了吗,伙计?
The waiter took the brandy bottle and another saucer from the counter inside the cafe and marched out to the old man's table. 侍者从餐馆里的柜台上拿了一瓶白兰地和另一个茶托,大步走了出来,送到老人桌上。
On the angle of company, for settle out the deputize problem in the company, weaken the inside man control, independent directors system is a special supervise model settled down in the company's inside. 从公司的角度看,一方面,独立董事制度是公司为了解决存在其内部的代理问题、削弱内部人控制,而在其内部设立的一种专门的监督模式;
Development and Application on Inside Man Monitor and Mobile Communication System 井下人员监控和移动通信系统的开发和应用